Terms of Use

Contracting Parties

Vojtěch Janoušek, Pod Strání 442, 407 47, Varnsdorf, Czech Republic, Company ID: CZ9111173423, (hereinafter referred to as the "operator")
Person (individual or legal entity) who has ordered services from the provider under the conditions specified below (hereinafter referred to as the "user").


The following text is a "contractual agreement", by agreeing to which the user of the Barua.ai online application commits to complying with the rules set forth herein (hereinafter referred to as the "contractual agreement"). In case of violation of the contractual agreement by the user, the operator of the Barua.ai online application may enforce the measures contained in these contractual agreements.

Subject of the Contract

The subject of the contract is the provision of a license, or a sublicense, for the use of the Barua.ai application, which is an online service used for monitoring third-party communications.
The know-how contained in the Barua.ai application is part of trade secrets and is protected by copyright law.

Rights and Obligations

The operator, as the licensor, grants the user a license to use the Barua.ai application.
In the case of using optional components of the Barua.ai application created by third parties, the operator provides a sublicense, which is subject to the same conditions as the provision of the Barua.ai license.
The license is granted as non-exclusive and for a fee.
The user is not authorized to make the subject of the license available to third parties. This means that the user is not authorized to make the results of using the Barua.ai application available to third parties, rent, lend, or otherwise allow third parties to use the service, nor is the user authorized to make changes to the application or modify it.
The user is obliged to use the Barua.ai application in accordance with applicable legal regulations and these licensing terms.
Technical errors, suggestions, and comments on the functionality of the Barua.ai application can be sent by the user via email to vojta@barua.ai.
The operator acknowledges technical errors if the user reports them promptly after they occur, but no later than 14 days after they occur.


The price for using the Barua.ai application is listed in the price list available at https://www.barua.ai/pricing.
The price for using the Barua.ai application is payable monthly in advance via the Stripe service.

Duration of License, Termination of License

The license is granted for an indefinite period.
The license may terminate by notice or unilateral termination.
The notice period is one month and begins on the first day of the month following the month in which the notice was delivered to the other contracting party.
The user has the right to terminate the contractual relationship in case of violation of contractual and licensing terms by the operator.
The user is not entitled to a refund of the fee, or any part of it.

These contractual terms take effect on February 1, 2024.

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